UCan Training will soon be offering online coaching – watch this space!

More and more of us are using the internet daily to make our lives easier and save time and money in many aspects of our life, from shopping, working and socialising together to online learning.

As part of UCan Training going forward I’m developing individual and group online coaching programmes and resources for those wishing to take advantage of the technology that’s so readily at hand.

One of the benefits of online coaching is the convenience for individuals of being able to work on any device – a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone with an internet connection. With individuals having such busy schedules, attempting to fit in a face-to-face coaching session can prove difficult, especially when factoring in travel times.

From my own experience, having recently designed and delivered both individual and group online coaching programmes, I’ve found that participants enjoyed the comfort of having video coaching in their own environment, rather than waiting a month for the next scheduled in-person appointment. Online coaching can be fitted around other activities during the day, thus offering a more flexible way of working with a coach.

One individual described online video as 15 minutes of ‘me time’. If the client doesn’t have time to meet up, there’s a range of online coaching resources available that can meet the client’s needs. Another individual commented that she wouldn’t remember half the things talked about during the group session, so having a video and workbook to refer to, was useful.

Using individual and group coaching either online, face-to-face, or a combination, helps bring new thinking, develops new relationships and builds social capital.

This mode of coaching has been successfully trialled for one of my clients in London. Previously, coaching clients from the organisation would have meant a two-hour coaching session with a minimum of one-hour travelling time. Now, there is no travel time for either party and coaching takes place online between 30 minutes to an hour using Face Time, Skype or Zoom.

The feedback from the client has been very positive; they enjoyed the convenience of not having to travel, adding that it was just like the coach was in the room with them.

As a result, online coaching is now being offered to another member of staff based in Bristol. The organisation recognises there is a saving of both time and money for both the individual and the company. With no geographical boundaries, the next step is to explore online group coaching, bringing together individuals from regional offices around the UK.

Another client, looking for coaching for their colleague based in the US, has signed up for a six-month coaching programme, using Skype.

Online coaching offers clients and coaches a much more flexible way of working together with access to a global market.

If you would like to know more about how online coaching can benefit you or your organisation, then do please get in touch with Sharon@ucantraining.com or call 01252 792811.